Unique places in Iceland

I did a project about four unique places in Iceland. In this project you're supposed to choose four unique places here in Iceland, do a Glogster about it and then present it to your class. I chose to write about Perlan, Harpan, Skógafoss and Eldgjį. I started to find information about them and write it in my notebook. But only got to write about Perlan and Harpa in it ;-;(but wrote about Skógafoss and Eldgjį later on). But I continued to find information on the computer. After I was done finding all the information about those four unique places I put it on my Glogster. Then I made a presentation and present it to my class.

I found this project very fun to do. I learned a lot of unique places In Iceland I didn't know about.

Here is my project. 


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